CRP Update

Hey guys,

So the countdown is now on. It’s only 80 days until I move to America.

80 DAYS! That’s double digits. Which is both scary and exciting. I’ve already started to set aside a few things that I want to take with me and I also bought a new suitcase a few months back. The case is currently sat in my bedroom, full of shoes. (I have way too many pairs of shoes but I can never have enough.)

The whole thing doesn’t feel real yet and I’m not sure when it will. I figured it will feel more real once I’m there and I’ve started training but I don’t honestly know.

I’ve recently been researching Walt Disney World resorts and restaurants and there’s so many places where I want to stay/eat. I’ve never stayed in a Disney resort as we usually stay off site when we’re on holiday there. A few people out of my arrival group are flying together (or round about the same time) and we’re all staying in Disney’s All Star Movie resort for our first night there.


Picture from Disney: 

I’ve also booked the Magical Express and ordered myself a purple MagicBand (which is now a colour option when booking with Disney). I really want to purchase a pin from every resort I stay in as a souvenir.

I am in the process of writing my own ‘4 parks 1 day’ challenge that I am hoping to take part in whilst I am there. I will share in a blog post for anyone who also wants to give the challenge a go.

I’ve been making a note of what I will likely need to buy on the first trip to Walmart/Publix. Hopefully this will make the first shopping trip a little less overwhelming. I mean, come on, there’s like a zillion different Pop Tart flavours to choose from.

In April, I will be meeting up with the arrival group and I’m very excited to meet them all for the first time. I applied in the first round of applications last year and the others all applied in the second round of applications, so that means I didn’t meet any of them at the interviews. I’m really looking forward to hanging out with them and talking to them about our big move!

I have a ton of posts planned and some YouTube videos too, that I hope to post pretty soon. I just want to thank everyone who has read my blog so far. The other week I had over 1300 views in a day, which is crazy! I’ve almost reached 500 views on my YouTube channel too.

LC. xo


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