I’m in Florida!

Hey guys,

I’m in Florida!

I arrived about a week and a half ago and I am loving it so far. My little arrival group is lovely. We’ve not known each other for very long but it feels like we’ve known each other forever. They’re wonderful people and we’re a fab little group.

So, where to start, eh?

I flew here with two girls from my arrival group on the 12th June, from Manchester airport. The flight had only been 8 hours recently, instead of the typical 9 hours it usually takes, so it was great to know that we had an hour taken off our accepted journey time. The flight was good, I managed to watch a film, eat two meals and had a little snooze. I don’t usually like flying but I did really well on this fight, especially with it being the first flight I’d ever done without my family being on there with me and I was preparing to move away for a year. I gave myself a high five as I was so proud of myself for getting on the flight and going for it.

Once we arrived, we met up with one of the guys from our arrival group and we went on the Magical Express (complimentary Disney bus from MCO airport to their resorts) and we headed off the to All Star Movies Resort. The next morning I had Mickey Waffles and we then continued on to our housing. We moved in, went to Walmart (twice within the first few days) and bought a bunch of stuff we need.

I’m not going to lie, the first few days were very tough for me. I’ve never lived anywhere else apart from home before, so this was a huge deal for me. I didn’t find it easy and I made myself ill from the anxiety I was feeling. After being here a couple more days and realising what an awesome group of new friends I have, I calmed myself done and took it one day at a time. I still have so much to learn but I need to allow myself the time to do so.

I am starting to feel more settled now. I had my Traditions Disney class about a week ago, which was so much fun and I’ve been to all 4 parks expect for Disney’s Hollywood Studios (which happens to be one of my favourites!), so I might head there later or maybe just do some resort hopping.

I have so much more to update you guys on, but I’ll get to that later.

Right now, I need to go and buy wash powder so I can do the grown-up stuff like laundry.

I will upload more asap. Catch you guys later.

LC. xo

P.S. I currently have a new YouTube video uploading so I will post that once it’s done.

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